Every year, over
1.6 million shelter-pets are killed in shelters
Why Is This Happening?

Shelters Are Overcrowded
Shelters have limited space. Pets arrive in shelters at a greater rate than can be adopted out. In one case in New Mexico, a shelter has 300 more pets each month than they can handle.
No Organized, Inter-Shelter System Exists
The Pet Rescue world is disjointed, mainly run by volunteeers with limited tools, using different outdated systes that are not effiecient.
They lack an organized, technology-based process and the transportation assetss to put a substantial dent in the number of pets euthanized.

Transportation Options Are Limited
Shelters only work locally. They don’t have the resources to interact with other shelters in other states.
Rescue groups have limited resources to relocate pets to cities where they are wanted. When they do, the number of pets they can relocate is small and occurs intermittently.
What Is Our Common Goal?
Everyone wants to save all these pets.No-one wants to euthanize them.
What Is Needed?

An Organized
Rescue System
What is needed is a web-based system that connects all particpating shelters and rescue organizations. The system should log all the details of the pets that need to be rescued and where they are in the process of relocation. Shelters that would like to receive the pets are able to request pets they find in the system. The system will coordinate with Pet Airways to transport the pets to their new location.

A Pet Rescue
Concierge Staff
A staff whose sole job is to manange the process. The staff’s responsibility is to make sure that pets that need to be rescued are in the system, that they are being removed from the shelters, that they are undergoing their health checkups and that receiving shelters are alerted as to what pets are available and when they can receive them.

A Reliable and Regular
Transportation Source
Pets need to be continously removed from shelters to make room for addtional pets being brought in. Shelters have only so much space. Pets cannot wait for rescue groups to organize multi-pet transports. They need to be relocated on a regular schedule. Pet Airways’ on-going corporate responsiblility is to provide the space on its aircraft to relocate these pets on a regular basis.
What Does All This Mean For Shelter-Pets?

An Organized, Professionally Managed System
The current system is a disjointed system between shelters, rescue groups, transporters and volunteers.
In its place is a professionally managed, technology driven system. One that is organized and provides effiecient coordination of the process so that pets can be removed from deat-row at shelters, provided medical checkups and inocculations, quarantined to assure their health, and flown to cities where they are wanted for adoption.

Individual Sponsorship
You can ber a sponsor. Sponsor as many pets as you want. Every pet’s life counts.

Corporate Sponsorship
Ger your comany behind a cause that all the team can be proud of. Your company can save many pet lives.